A Poem for my Dear Skin

A Poem for my Dear Skin

Dear Skin, my lovely Skin,
I am grateful for you.
Thank you for growing with me:
When I streched, you streched. When I grew in weight, you did not judge. When I lost the kilo's, you stayed close and tight around me.
Thank you for always being on the mend for me:
With every scrape, cut and tear, you have been my bandit. No matter the size and with every damage, I have always been able to count on you.
Thank you for always renewing yourself:
You constantly renew yourself from within to cope with the trials I face outside.
Thank you for being my bodyguard:
Everyday, without a sigh, you have filtered what comes in and what must stay out.
Thank you for being humble:
Even though you are the largest organ of my body, you never acted superior. You are vitally important, but
easily taken for granted.
All in all, I want to thank you for being on this journey with me:
You have endured and adapted yourself throughout the seasons, climates and stresses of life.
You may not be as quick as you used to be, so I promise you that I will do my part by caring and nurturing you with the right products.
Psalm 139 : 14 - I praise you because in an awe-inspiring way I am wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, I know this very well.
Much love,
Seed & Essentials
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I love this poem! The psalm matches this poem perfectly. Thank you for sharing this <3


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